I am a translator and an editor. When asked how many languages do I know, I have to say three – which makes me quite uncomfortable, because this is usually followed by the inevitable expressions of admiration, which I always feel obliged to temper with a doze of reality: I do know three languages, but all imperfect in various ways. On the other hand, there really is no such thing as a perfect knowledge of anything, including language. So here are the sources of some of my reasonably imperfect linguistic knowledge: I was born in Russia, lived there until my mid teens, and up until then did all of my reading (which in those years was a lot) in Russian. It is my true mother-tongue, and is the language I understand best. It is also the language in which I have some trouble expressing myself, for the simple reason of the lack of practice.

English is my second language. I took my first two-months-long daily course in English at the age of 6. It was an amazing experience: suddenly I found myself chatting and singing in a language I never heard before (I am talking USSR in the 60s). Then I started school and forgot all about that – until the 5th grade, when foreign languages used to be introduced in the SU at that time. Those two months from five years before suddenly all floated to the surface and the entire class, including the teacher, looked at me funny.

I learned Hebrew after moving to Israel in the mid 70s, and so my Russian is rather rusty when it comes to speaking and writing – although reading is fine (thanks to all that early practice). This is why I list English and Hebrew as my native languages when translation and editing are concerned, and why I translate only from Russian, not into it.

Generally speaking, I translate between Hebrew and English, both ways, and from Russian into both English and Hebrew, while I mostly edit in English. If you are interested in my translation or editing services, or just wish to tell me how much you admire me, for whatever reason, or just wish to ask a question, or tell me something I don’t know (your chances are very good indeed) – feel free to drop me a line here.

BTW, some of the posts on this blog have a Hebrew version (not necessarily a translation). Some posts are entirely in Hebrew, which means that they deal with issues non-Israelis would probably find of little, if any, interest. In the future there also might appear posts in Russian, pending an improvement in my Russian typing skills – fingers crossed (or maybe rather not).


  1. redneck said,

    Hi Alisa,
    I’m on your side when it comes to Global Warming.
    I was just wondering – is blocking opposing ideas a new thing, practiced by Gore’s followers, or is it a known and practiced habit?

  2. Alisa said,

    I have no idea, redneck, as I am not part of the “Scientific Community”. But logic dictates that politicians buy scientists with taxpayers money. Hell, they buy taxpayers themselves us with their our own money.

  3. Sabbir said,

    Alisa !!!

    WOW !!! I think you are lucky, bcoz anyone don’t get chance like you …

  4. Alisa said,

    Hi Sabbir,

    I am curious: what language is your website in, and what is it about?

  5. Bionic Man said,

    Thanks for curiosity !!! I am Bangali….that means pure Bangladeshi….oho & same in my site Bangla language …… Do wanna learn my language ?

  6. Alisa said,

    Um, no, as much as I would love to, I don’t think I have the time for that:-)

    What is your site about?

  7. Old Fat Sailor said,

    And I see you have one too-linked now to the wierd radio page. R

  8. Alisa said,

    Of course I do – can you imagine me without one?

    To be reciprocated immediately. So, when will the world be finally treated to the Russian wooden leg story?

  9. Judi Hehir said,

    Hi, Alisa. I have missed you at ProZ (Russian>English pair). Was just poking around on your blog while on hold with the local bureaucrats. Fascinating and refreshing reading here. I have to say I agree with you on many issues. I wish I could read the Hebrew entries. I studied many years ago, but never really mastered the language and, unfortunately, what I learned is rather rusty, to say the least.

    It was good to learn more about you here in this section.

  10. Alisa said,

    Hi Judi, the name rang a bell immediately, but the neurons connected only when you mentioned ProZ:-) I miss the wild bunch at KudoZ too, but I made a conscious decision to abandon it, since it was so much fun that it began to take too much of my time…I am glad you like my little corner of the Web – unfortunately I don’t post as often as I would like to (guess why again:-))

    What bureaucrats and what do they want this time? Pox on all of them!

  11. Rocco said,

    Hi Alisa,

    Don’t know what happened there. Must have fallen asleep typing, like an idiot. I’ll try again.

    The reason I used that way of grouping people is because that’s how the rest of the world does it. For instance, the polling organisation Pew, does all this research on social and economic attitudes, eg http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2014/03/07/millennials-in-adulthood/sdt-next-america-03-07-2014-2-10/ Now you’ll notice that there are really large differences in the attitudes of the two named groups in those graphics on what is the fundamental issue for libertarians. And this isn’t a one off – these findings are replicated in other research, too.

    As to why researchers typically split people up into groups, well, I’d imagine politics plays a role, politics being all about playing groups of against one another, robbing Peter to pay Paul and so on. But there seems to be another reason. Political beliefs have a genetic basis; they are heritable: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/12/09/study-on-twins-suggests-our-political-beliefs-may-be-hard-wired/

    I hope this clears things up.

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